Brian Heming

Brian Heming Headshot
Sales Representative

Development, Industrial Leasing

Office Location
Toronto - Downtown

Brian is a Sales Representative at Lennard Commercial Realty, specializing in industrial sales, leasing, and development across the GTA market, alongside his two senior partners.

His professional career stems from his initial position as a commercial real estate investment analyst for primary markets across the US and Canada, for a CRE technology firm after graduation with a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Maryland. He then received his Master of Real Estate and Infrastructure from Johns Hopkins University in the Washington, DC area, and migrated to Canada as a commercial real estate consultant, working with clients across numerous segment types (brokerage, development, financial services) not limited to Manulife, Triovest, HSBC, Choice Properties, etc.

Having worked with major clients across Canada, Brian’s focus on client satisfaction, success, and relationship building show his diligence with customers and spotlights his commitment to excellence in all avenues of his life.

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