Tom McLeod

Office Leasing
Over the last 25 years, Tom has represented many of Toronto's largest companies and dealt with every major landlord in the city. Tom's reputation is driven by a legacy of building ROI and delivering innovative solutions for his clients.
Non-Traditional Solutions
Tom's non-traditional solutions to common real estate challenges differentiate him from the competition. Here are two examples that illustrate Tom's innovative approach.
- Devising a "floating free-rent period" for a client concerned about the impact of an unanticipated slump in the financial markets.
- Having a landlord convert unused retail space into a ground floor warehouse area for a large office client's technical support needs.
Understanding real estate is what you expect. Understanding how it impacts your business is what sets Tom apart.
Exclusively Tenant Focused
Tom typically gets involved with his clients 2-3 years prior to lease expiry, thus forming a partnership with the company. Early involvement allows Tom to effectively match real estate solutions to business objectives.
Over the last 25 years, Tom has negotiated leases with every major landlord in Toronto and has represented his clients' needs across Canada, the US and Europe.
On a personal note, Tom is an active golfer and has served two terms as a director at St. George's Golf and Country Club.
Corporate Clients
- Toshiba
- Dun Bradstreet
- CIBC Mellon
- Assante
- Requisite Technologies
- Dundas Software
- Russell Investments
- Bell Temple
- Kinross Gold Corporation
- Winners
- Cossette Advertising